
At High Plains Gear, we believe in our gear’s durability.

Our WingSwap program is designed to facilitate the exchange of used, but still functional gear, enabling hunters to upgrade styles or sizes. Our aim is to increase access to American made, ergonomic, modular, comfort while pursuing an upland hunting passion.

How it Works:

Gear Exchange: Participants can send in their used, but functional gear for store credit. The items will be inspected, then made available at a discount on WingSwap.

Gear Purchase: Hunters can purchase used, but functional or previous version, new gear at a discounted price through the WingSwap site. This provides affordable options for individuals and families, while supporting the sustainability of the program.

Gear Donation: Participants can donate used High Plains Gear. The items will be inspected and then made available at a discount on Wing Swap.

Community: We hope the WingSwap Program will continue to foster a sense of community among hunters and support for one another's hunting endeavors. By participating, individuals not only support the growth and development of the hunting community, but also contribute to its sustainability as a whole. We thank you!

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